
Ranzuki December 2013 Treand Pick up+ Giveaway Winner

Ranzuki Trend Pickup
Ranzuki changed their logo!~ It's simple.. but that's just my opinion

 I wish I had some money just to buy some platform sneakers .___. or even some creepers from Vivienne Westwood.. OOOHH I WOULD KILL FOR EM!

Hounds tooth... so much hounds tooth.


 I just look at these models and envy them... so much..  I wonder.. Why hasn't God answered my prayers yet?



I don't feel like saying much b/c I have a lot more to say in the next segment!
If you'd like to read the full issue just click on the link below!

Giveaway Winner
And the winner is... Yair Flores
I've already sent you an email so contact me through there
To the people who've lost to the giveaway I've already planned upcoming giveaways a whole lot better than this so just hold tight! I'm only a teen so I'm stuck on a budget and my own greed

That's all for today's post!


♥♥♥1st Mini Giveaway!♥♥♥

My very first giveaway!~
(so cute right?)
I wanted to do something on this blog b/c i felt as if it was really boring. So I wanted to boost up the atmosphere in hope of gaining new followers. Sadly, I'm dirt poor so I had very limited resources. But I tried my best into making this happen!
1.) Handmade 3 x3.5 zip up bag

I put so much effort into this bag but it came out really tiny...

2.) Faux Coco Channel earrings 

I bought 2 pairs of these earrings from a beauty supply b/c they were super cheap. I was going to give it to a friend, but decided to throw this into the giveaway instead.
To enter this giveaway you must follow my blog! (and don't bother following my blog then following it once the giveaway is over). Go ahead and enter the giveaway below I WILL BE CHECKING. I know I've missed some important parts but just fill the blank in with the very noticeable answer like you username 

 Giveaway ends 29/11/13


Egg Trend Pickup October 2013+ Thelovelyify Giveaway #2

Whoot!~ It's the month of buying things for the holidays (well December is.. but cope with me)! I missed blogging last week because I was just a lazy butt hole lol.... butt holes.
ANY WAY! I Just changed my profile picture with my favorite hair extensions lol. I'm just so addicted to Tumblr... still. I'm am just such in a good mood today (which is the 6 of November 2013) (I typed this part on the 8th of  November 2013) BESIDES the fact that Taeyang's release of his music video for "Ringa Linga"was delayed for tomorrow . You know those feelings where you're just so stressed out and you want to punch everything and relive that stress with stuff like Korean dramas.. yeah I have that feeling right now.
We're at the month of catching up to do and prepare so let's start out with a great trend pickup from Egg~

After learning some of their names, I found Manya-chan (Right) So appealing~ She's so perfect!



I don't have much to say about this issue beside the fact that Zazhimi uploaded this issue near the freaking end of October. So I apologize on being late for this post.
If you want to read the full issue click the link below

The LovelyIfy is haveing another lovely giveaway!~
Shingeki No Kyojin  Recon Corps Badge 
Etude House glitter nail polish
 Etude House Soft Touch Lip liner
 Etude House samples
Hello Kitty shaped tote

The Giveaway ends December 2nd, 12:00 a.m. Central Time It is open World Wide.MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: Be a follower via Google Friend Connect & Follow HER Instagram (@TheLovelyIfy)

That's all for today!~

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