
Problems with: ACNE >A< +Valentines Day

It's been for ever since I've posted something I was planning to post. Well here it is! 
I am going to talk about one of my most troubling obstacles  Acne :(
It's not easy to get rid of especially after using like 36 products in 1 month D: If I really want to be like a TOP gyaru I need my clear skin (and lose a couple of pounds... AGAIN). My skin is not exactly perfect. Even as I am typing right now, I have an oatmeal mask to cover up my shame;-( (Oats really do help your complexion  I've done a lot of experiments like going to H-mart to buy as much skin products I can! Let's first explain reasons of acne:

  1. Not enough water in you diet: Water is very important to your skin, and if your skin is not hydrated it can cause severe dryness and flaky skin:sweatbubble:
  2. Too much junk in your diet: This is probably the reason why I have so much acne; I eat way too much oily foods. The hormones in Chocolate, Sugar cookies, Twizzlers, soda can very much effect the way you built your skin. Replacing soda in my diet really helped my skin. I guess you can have something sweet once in a while ( I don't know about you, but  after even having a Twix bar, I break out instantly)but not too much.:-S
  3. Sleeping on your face: I know this sound weird  but it's true! For me I put on hair products before I go to sleep which can also rub off my pillow. I love to sleep on one side of my face but I get the consequences. All that build up on your pillow(dead skins, oil, hair products) rubs into my skin. So clean your pillow( plus your bed sheets) regularly once a week -_-
So I'm trying some products that might actually help me :)

Moving onto Valentines day~ I wasn't as lonely as i thought >_< I got so much food! but I ended up eating all of it at school. And my valentine (guy friend) didn't even get me anything TT^TT like wat? lol But I still love him. And I guess today got better after I found out I won one of the giveaways I entered *Q* I felt so lucky that day! And I was the one who got the highest gift card $100 to spend at www.Speciallens.com I ordered 3 new lenses:
Angel Brown Contact Lenses 
Barbie King Brown Contact Lenses
Barbie Crystal Hazel Contact Lenses 
I got all brown b/c I remembered the last lens I bought were a bubbly pink.... I looked like a alien XD I'll post reviews once I get them in the mail.

And I would like to give a special thanks to emi-doll.blogspot.com/ for the give away~!
Everyone have a nice day!

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