
Water Diet+ Trend Pickup Popteen Sepetember 2013

Day 1
Well... I'm back to diets again Why is losing weight so hard!? I just want to lose a whole bunch of weight and maintain the weight by eating healthy~ The only thing I ate today was just one veggie chip.. and inhaled the rest(just for the satisfaction of food w/out eating it). I've been drinking allot of water, and my friends are worried about me.But it's nothing really serious. Plenty of women do it. I wouldn't really suggest everybody should do, but  it's my body and I can do whatever I want with it. My stomach is grumbling so much right now and my mom is making freaking fried rice! Like how could she do this to me 
If this water diet is a success this week, I might as well do it for 3 weeks tops. I will tell the truth that just drinking water for a week is extremely unhealthy. I know what I'm doing is wrong but I just want to get over the fact that I'm overweight.
EXTREME FAILER! I ate her rice .___. But it was worth it. what if I just eat once a day. Yup.. that's what I'll do :I
Day 2

 Trend Pickup








I've been extremely lazy on posting.. so it'll be a while till I'm truly dedicated.


Where Was I? + Double Trend Pick Up September Egg-Ranzuki ✔

It's been 5-ever since I've written a post 
 School just started a month ago, so I've been keeping my head in the game (not really. lol.)
My summer was basically same old same old like everyone else (sleep, eat, internet.) I've taken pictures of the exciting places I've been to, but I can't find the memory disk slot on the computer.
So, let's just restart a new month, a new week, and a new post. New posts will be updated every Friday.  (if I don't post on that Friday, there's prob something wrong with my computer).


Egg Magazine September 2013

(Ugh! She's so perfect!~)
I'm a huge fan of Garula~  The outfit to the far right is absolutely adorbs! But of course the page is talking about the amazing boots. I would literally wear all the boots on the right page
 As for the left... Those blue boots need to go. Besides that. Everything looks okay!

 First time I've seen so much lace on boots like that (it makes me wonder how much struggle it must be to put them on. Maybe a zipper).to the right, Cecil Mc Bee is known for the girly-ness in their brand. I like the the red boots, but i wouldn't really wear them. Those black boots are just too cute! But I already have way too many black boots.

Um I liteatly saved this picture b/c of how amazing gorgeous Manya looks in it (beside that awkward discomfort in that fur vest). I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Me Jane (first time I've heard of it was last year on Yesstyle.com) but it's pretty popular. If you want to look at more of this brand, you can go to yesstyle.com and read its history and style of fashion

So many wants on both pages! I cannot tell a lie... I need them all.

Far left, Kiyomin (atleast I think it's her) looks so pretty :3 I just want to be so perf just like her~

I know that I can't be able to afford and name brand lashes (the only ones I have are Dolly wink No.4 & 7) So just get some that look like them. I highly doubt anyone will shove their index finger into you face and say "THOSE ARE SO FROM WALGREEN'S". lol.
And the page to the right basically shows some camera apps where you can just camera whore away.

Just some photo mail. The main girl on the left page is just too adorable!
The right page. Boobs. Just boobs. lol.

Ranzuki September 2013

I'm too lazy to get a whole bunch of stuff one here. Just some makeup and Nail art.



I've been so into nail art recently. Since I'm not allowed to wear fake nails (not saying that I would wear them if i was allowed). I cope with my real nails and let is grow out since they do grow rapidly.

I've been meaning to do the sticker idea.. but I don't really have much time to do so. 

This is just my nails... It's not my best lol.

If you want to read the full issues, click the links below
That's all for today!
~See you soon!

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