

Well, there's 4 more days till Christmas!!! I'm so excited *q* but the sad part was i have to wait till January for my presents to come in... OH WELL! I'm waiting for a Miracle to happen! last year never snowed down in Georgia. Possibly a white Christmas!

Since school is out, i get to have some time to relax a bit, catch up on some new music, and possibly change my image .__. It has been getting cold (BUT NOT COLD ENOUGH), so i gotta bundle up!

Apparently, today is the end of the world. Nice.  I celebrated my  Aliveness by listening to Bigbang's Still Alive album 3 times in a row >.< (it's so addicting!) 

I'm ending this post with a little comic strip i made (sorry for my sloppy handwriting) 


My love for Drawing

Long time, no blog
I'm baaack! I haven't been posting for a while now (it's not like anyone's going to read this any way). My laptop screen is black so i can't see what i'm exactly doing on it anymore. So, i'm using the computer (ew.) 
Well i'm in the mood of posting my recent pictures online (drawings). I really don't care if you can draw better than me, and don't
This one was drawn in my beginning of 8th grade (i'm a freshman now in high school (unknown date)
This one was drawn in the summer of 6th grade (bit sloppy, i reall didn't like to put the date and my signature on my pictures back then)

Sometime in 7th grade (i tried to make manga in my middle school years)
This was drawn in the middle of 7th grade ( not really my style of drawing anymore)
8th  grade
8th grade
towards the end of 8th grade
towards the end of 8th grade also (i think)
Summer of 8th grade
Just recently (as seen by the date)

This one too

Also this one (sorry for the chocolate stain)

 I guess i don't have a specific style of drawing ( b/c i love em all) I may post one in the future, i'll end this post with i picture i'm extremely proud of:


*~Give Away~*

Not many people read this blog, but i hope many will see this post!
The Lovely Ify is having a give away! I'm only sharing because i want to win so badly *v* . It's not that hard to enter. so just somthing i'll throw out there. I wish you luck, you wish me luck! 



Day 1❤

Day 1,
Well today is the first day of the gyaru diet plan. So far so good . But today I learned somthing in my gym class about dieting. There are some diets out there that are just simply dangerous and usless. In some diets, you lose the weight you want but end up gaining it back (wich seems very unfair).

 So how can you maintain a healthy diet plan? one thing I learned today was that you only eat when your hungry. I can't argue with that b/c i eat when I just want somthing delicious in my mounth. Regularly you're supposed to eat over 1,000 calories a day. Our food gives us enegry (I learned this in science), but some of use waste this energy by sitting around watching tv or on our computers.

 Best way to use up this enrgy is to exercise (DUH)! 1 pound= 1,300 calories (It does feel like alot). The textbook suggested to lose 500 calories each day. For example, 1 mile of jogging/ walking is 100 calories burned right there. Walk 5 miles and you're done for the day ( I personally suggest to do this after all your meals durring the day). Eat what you enjoy, but put a limit to yourself.
~Tips for the day:
  • Don't eat before you sleep
  • Watch the calories you're eating
  • Exercise atleast an hour a day
  • Don't binge on one thing that's high in calories
Well that's all for today, BYE!


♬ Reset ♬

It's good to be back on today, and I have my first follower today! Shout out to Mina Pin!!! ≧◔◡◔≦
Anyways, not too long ago, I posted somthing about "Gyaru Weight Loss Plan". And I must admit, I'm a complete failure (╥﹏╥) . I've lost 10 lbs... but gained back 2 pounds after pigging out for practically the whole week! So I've finally picked out my own diet. It's called the "orange" diet. If you may not know already, oranges are fruits that have negative calories (wich means you don't gain any calories, you burn them). I've done some research on this and dig deeper into information. I've picked a perfect schedule on how I'm supposed to follow these rules.
  1. Eat a minimum amount of sweets (perhaps once a week)
  2. eat slower (if you eat in a rush your body won't realize it's eating)
  3. Eat ahead of time (don't eat food the minute your stomach starts to growl)
  4. Eat oranges after EVERY meal
  5. Use oranges as your snack
  6. Eat 6 times a day (of course in smaller portions)
  7. Think of that dream body everytime you choose what you're going to eat (lol)
  8. Don't switch out days ( replace the days with "Junk Food" day)
  9. Eat food after every 2-3 hours of time
  10. Encourage yourself
I'm just going to follow these simple steps. If I lose a couple pounds nest week, I encourage you to do it with me (the more the

I'll try not to eat too much of my favortie snacks (I'll ask my parents to buy food that I've always hated). I'll exercise about 1 hour per day (not including my gym class). Comment if you're going to join with me! Wish me luck (AGAIN)!


International Gyaru Day!

Hello, Ɛte sεn, どうしたの?

 Yesterday was International Gyaru Day! (acoording to Facbook events). I've thought about doing alot of things, but I would love to share it with you guys. Well first I changed out of my school clothes into somthing more fashionable. Yes! it's the best I could've done since I'm a beginer.

 Then I ate food past 7:oo (what was i thinking!?) with my siblings for our awkward karaoke night. I went solo for the rest of the day by watching so many Gal introductions and tips. I wished I could've gone to the mall and shop (and be lucky to meet any gals), but it's literally been 5 years since. But I did my best to my mother gals out there! I'm off to do some work, See you soon!
~Love you



What's up!?
Well I've been comming to my blog way too often, I'm probably thoes 43 views on there. I even went on my extra class time. Now i'm just going to start off on the whole "black gal" theme. Yes, I am a very dark skinned gal than normal, and at some points I'm not proud of it. I know many black gals who are actually lighter than me and it literaly gets under my skin. But in so many ways I'm happy the way I am.I introduced this gyaru idea to a few people at school. They tell me they're fake. And yes, in some ways gals do change the way they look. Just like anyone else would! A little change in yourself is good for you, but you are origanal; be proud of who you are. This is just a little word of advice out of the blue. Stay Beautiful!


Gyaru Weight Loss Plan?

Hello, Again...
I was too bored so I might as well post something! As some of you may already know, gyaru in the magazines (Ranzuki, Egg, Teen Pop, ect.) Models have that slender fit body. While flipping through Ranzuki, I've been seeing this disgusting ad..(I've updated this so some pats may be different [also the picture was from another blog, but there's an ad just like this in some older issues of Ranzuki])

This is just plane revolting. The model are much skinnier than the models in the actual Ranzuki mag (update: adverts of weight loss have toned down a bit, so the models have actual meat on them)!This got me thinking, top brands like Co & Lu, Liz Lisa, and Galaxxxy are mostly available in smaller sizes. When's the last time you've seen a Gyaru overweight? So I've decided to lose some weight before I get too big. I do not encourage Dyslexia or Anorexia. So I'll go super healthy on this. I want to at least lose 20 pounds before the New Years. I'll be trying varieties of diets and  plans. I'll try one each week and see the progress (if you have any suggestions please share). But starting now i'm going to have to start eating right and cut back on sugars and sweets. Lets do our best!

Hello Again! ≧◡≦

Moshi Mosh
I've been so busy latley and almost forgot about this blog! And i never feel like doing any of it. This time i'll try to update as often as possible! My life is a bit bland, so there might be few posts about me doing anything. I will be posting tips, but it will be very rare to be showing my face on this blog ( just to be safe)! I know I'll be posting ALOT of photos of the clothes i wear and just random stuff. I have no idea what I'm going to say now, so I best be going. 
BYE! ~Ja-ne


❤I Made A Blog!❤

Moshi Moshi!
My name is Christabel. On 9/6/2012, i made this blog. I'll be posting lost of gyaru pictures and links. I hope you enjoy!
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