
Gyaru Weight Loss Plan?

Hello, Again...
I was too bored so I might as well post something! As some of you may already know, gyaru in the magazines (Ranzuki, Egg, Teen Pop, ect.) Models have that slender fit body. While flipping through Ranzuki, I've been seeing this disgusting ad..(I've updated this so some pats may be different [also the picture was from another blog, but there's an ad just like this in some older issues of Ranzuki])

This is just plane revolting. The model are much skinnier than the models in the actual Ranzuki mag (update: adverts of weight loss have toned down a bit, so the models have actual meat on them)!This got me thinking, top brands like Co & Lu, Liz Lisa, and Galaxxxy are mostly available in smaller sizes. When's the last time you've seen a Gyaru overweight? So I've decided to lose some weight before I get too big. I do not encourage Dyslexia or Anorexia. So I'll go super healthy on this. I want to at least lose 20 pounds before the New Years. I'll be trying varieties of diets and  plans. I'll try one each week and see the progress (if you have any suggestions please share). But starting now i'm going to have to start eating right and cut back on sugars and sweets. Lets do our best!

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