
♬ Reset ♬

It's good to be back on today, and I have my first follower today! Shout out to Mina Pin!!! ≧◔◡◔≦
Anyways, not too long ago, I posted somthing about "Gyaru Weight Loss Plan". And I must admit, I'm a complete failure (╥﹏╥) . I've lost 10 lbs... but gained back 2 pounds after pigging out for practically the whole week! So I've finally picked out my own diet. It's called the "orange" diet. If you may not know already, oranges are fruits that have negative calories (wich means you don't gain any calories, you burn them). I've done some research on this and dig deeper into information. I've picked a perfect schedule on how I'm supposed to follow these rules.
  1. Eat a minimum amount of sweets (perhaps once a week)
  2. eat slower (if you eat in a rush your body won't realize it's eating)
  3. Eat ahead of time (don't eat food the minute your stomach starts to growl)
  4. Eat oranges after EVERY meal
  5. Use oranges as your snack
  6. Eat 6 times a day (of course in smaller portions)
  7. Think of that dream body everytime you choose what you're going to eat (lol)
  8. Don't switch out days ( replace the days with "Junk Food" day)
  9. Eat food after every 2-3 hours of time
  10. Encourage yourself
I'm just going to follow these simple steps. If I lose a couple pounds nest week, I encourage you to do it with me (the more the

I'll try not to eat too much of my favortie snacks (I'll ask my parents to buy food that I've always hated). I'll exercise about 1 hour per day (not including my gym class). Comment if you're going to join with me! Wish me luck (AGAIN)!

8 件のコメント:

  1. great post sweetie *_* your blog is very good and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  2. Thank you so much for coming on my blog! means a lot
    to me :) i love your blog so much :)

  3. Thanks,for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on gfc.

  4. Cool post! Really cute blog ^-^

    I would appreciate it if you would visit my blog too! :)

    1. (srry for late response) thank you <3~~~ i think your blog is very up to date :)

  5. Of course! You are SUPER PRETTY! I prefer Blogger and Bloglovin Thanks~~


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